Brass, Stainless Steel And Aluminum Tags Labels
We offer 2 grades of Stainless Steel: 304 and 316, with thickness ranging from 0.5mm to above 9mm upon demand.
SS304 is for general usage, and has the option of hairline (brushed metal) finishing.
SS316 is normally for marine usages, as it is more resistant to rust.
Using chemical etching, which is very similar to engraving, our color etching is thinner-resistant.
Thickness range from 0.5mm to 3mm.We coat our aluminums with clear lacquer (anodize is required) to protect it from oxidizing.Finishing of aluminum is a lighter shade of metal compared to stainless steel.Not advised to be used outdoors.
* Alignment issue between ALUMINUM and Thickness on next line.
* (anodize is required) change to (anodize is optional)
BRASS mixture of copper and zinc, our brass is a dull gold hairline finishing, also coated with clear lacquer to prevent from oxidizing.Used indoors mostly under air-con environments for high-priced items like artworks, presentations and award plaques.Thickness ranges from 0.5mm to 3mm.
PUB Round Stainless Steel Marker Plate
Oola Black Anodize Aluminum Brand Label
Rolex Brass Plaques
Jasma Stainless Steel Exhaust Plate
Aluminum with White Etching
Google/Apple Stainless Steel Colorless Etching Plaques ll
196 Pandan Loop #07-24
Pantech Business Hub
Singapore 128384
Tel: 6686 0870 | Hp: 9623 4875
Mondays to Fridays: 9am - 6.30pm
Lunch Hours: 1pm - 2pm
Closed on Weekends and all Public Holidays